If you're dealing with debt, you are certainly not alone. If you've fallen behind on a few payments or more, you've likely received a collection letter, and that's enough to send your blood pressure through the roof. Let's face it, collection notices are scary and collection agencies are quite effective at getting you to pay, without any concern for the mental toll it can have on your life and the lives of those around you. A word of advice: it's not worth dwelling on how you've found yourself in this position. Now is the time to look ahead.
So what can you do?
If our clients owe a debt that is in collections with a third-party, whether they actually owe the money or not, Elite Legal Practice makes that debt collector prove the debt is valid. After all, if they can't prove they have the right to collect it, why should you have to pay it?
When a past due debt is sold to another company, this new company now has the right to collect what was owed to the original creditor. During that transaction, the new collector frequently does not receive all of the necessary proof to show their valid right to collect from you. There is specific documentation collectors must be able to provide, yet they are usually missing that essential documentation or their documents are incorrect. This makes the debt invalid.
So you can see how it can get tricky for the debt collectors. They're purchasing old debts from credit card companies, banks, and other financial institutions for a fraction of the original debt amount and then trying to collect it in full from you, but they're taking shortcuts and not following the rules.
Invalidating debt is a key component that our attorneys deploy to restore our clients' financial freedom and pull them out from beneath the increasing burden of debt. Remember, debt collection agencies have attorneys, so why shouldn't you? At Elite Legal Practice, you'll have someone fighting for you every step of the way.